10 Ways Being Clingy Hurts Your Relationship More Than You Know
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10 Ways Being Clingy Hurts Your Relationship More Than You Know

We all need a little room to breathe.

10 Ways Being Clingy Hurts Your Relationship More Than You Know
Christiana Rivers

We all know of a couple in our lives that, in spite of their being together for some time, still hasn't quite moved on from the "honeymoon phase". Instead, they're so lovey-dovey it hurts; they latch onto each other at every hangout and make no effort to kiss discreetly (or even quietly). And if that wasn't enough, these two are always by each other's sides almost 24/7.

No doubt, these kinds of lovers are the definition of "clingy". This relationship dynamic, although acceptable in the very beginning can get old rather fast, not only for the couple's friends but for both partners as well. Here's my rationale as to why clinginess is unhealthy, unappealing, and definitely not cute:

1. You're more likely to argue or fight

Constantly spending time with your boyfriend or girlfriend (or anyone, for that matter) can lead to more frequent arguments and fights. Because you are together more often, you have more time to disagree and test each other's patience. It's easier than you think to get on someone's nerves after you've been in their personal space for hours on end every day.

2. You might turn your friends against you and your relationship

You'd like to think that your friends will always be very supportive of you and your S.O. But if you are consistently choosing dates over meet-ups and backing out of plans, you might come to find that they aren't as psyched for you two as they used to be. After being put on the back burner enough times, your friends are bound to be cooler towards you when you finally decide to devote some time to them.

3. You get a little too dependent on your partner for happiness

Dedicating all of your free time to one person is essentially the same as saying "I am relying on you for my day-to-day happiness". No individual should be made the center of your universe. Expecting your boyfriend or girlfriend to be your crutch is risky business; you could actually start to believe that you need a significant other in your life to be happy.

4. You slack off from your other responsibilities

We'd all rather be snuggled up in bed with your sweethearts than be at work or be sitting in a lecture hall, but we can't ignore our priorities entirely for the sake of a picturesque relationship. If you skip out on studying to have another date night or call in "sick" for another shift, you'll find that everything you've worked for is starting to slip away from you.

5. You might be overwhelming your S.O.

Your partner might need some space, is all. Remember that just because they would rather spend some time alone or with other people doesn't take away from how much they care about you. They just need to unwind and take a breather every once in a while, especially if they're a shy person.

6. You are stressing yourself out with your fears of losing them

Oftentimes, being clingy with your lover eludes to your worries about losing them. This is understandable, but you are putting way too much pressure on yourself to control someone else when, in reality, you can't make their decision to stay or go. That being said, don't bother obsessing over the "what-ifs", and remember that hanging on to them too tightly isn't what's best for either of you.

7. It might seem like you don't trust them to be without you

Your partner might be a bit wary of your being their "shadow" because it could suggest to them that you aren't as trusting as they would have hoped. They might be concerned that you think they'll cheat on you the moment they go out without you, or that they'll find someone else and break up with you. Most likely, this isn't even slightly true! And besides, if you can't bring yourself to trust your partner to be faithful, why are you even dating them?

8. You find yourself overanalyzing their every move

Every social media post has a double meaning and the frequency at which they reply to your texts has become a subject of intense scrutiny. These are tell-tale signs that you are overthinking in regards to how your partner acts towards you. Unless you have a very good reason to be skeptical, you should try to calm yourself down, take a step back, and ask yourself, "do I really need to read so deeply into this?"

9. You might be too accommodating

It's always nice to put someone else's needs before yours when they truly could use the help, but your needs are just as important as your lover's. Being too eager to please someone else might very well distract you from your own self-care, which only hurts you in the long run.

10. You might move too fast

Sometimes, not taking a moment to catch your breath and really think about your relationship could lead you to make rash decisions too early in the game. Being with someone you really like for too much time can distract you from the goals you set for yourself in the beginning. You could make yourself uncomfortable by rushing into different relationship milestones at a pace you normally wouldn't go at.

All in all, while it's awesome to want to spend a lot of time with your lover, you definitely should consider budgeting your time between your other commitments, too. You can be by their side without being clingy; it's all about finding that perfect life balance.

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