He Wants You For Your Body, And You're Letting Him
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He Wants You For Your Body, And You're Letting Him

Stop complaining about being used when you're the reason it happened.

He Wants You For Your Body, And You're Letting Him

As women, we are sexualized. Every day we are placed in the realm of judgment and allow others to stare.

We are judged on our hair, eyes, ass, boobs, legs, and practically every part of our bodies.

And this is done even without us flaunting it. However, some girls do flaunt what they have, or don't have, in an attempt to be noticed. But haven't you ever noticed that it is these same girls who cry and blast all over social media that men are pigs and only want them for their bodies?

Makes you chuckle, doesn't it?

For some reason, some girls find it a necessity to show off what they have.

They do this with crop tops and short shorts, getting hammered at parties and taking off what little clothes they have on, and God knows what else. I'm not saying that I have never worn revealing clothing, I'm a bartender and a Hooters Girl for goodness sake.

I just graduated from college. I attended some of the college parties and experienced it first hand. As a girl who doesn't drink, it was at these parties that I remembered why I chose not to drink.

Growing up, I watched high school girls make fools of themselves. Throwing themselves at guys who didn't want them and acting like the hot topic of the party. I rediscovered this in college, but now I was able to be a part of it. I was able to read the Facebook posts and listen to the drama and gossip.

I wish I could say I was extremely helpful to the people that came to me and the things that I read, but I wasn't.

I laughed. I snickered, and I was an asshole.

Because everything these girls were complaining about, they brought onto themselves.

Let's discuss.

It was two years ago, a very close friend of mine sat in my room crying. She was a victim and felt used. Her recent "fling" didn't quite turn out so well and he was using her for her body. While she felt so poorly, I tried to explain to her why this happened. She wasn't happy to hear it, but I did it anyway.

I pulled out my phone and opened Instagram, typed her name, and handed her the phone. I asked her to look through and tell me what she saw.

She smiled and wiped a tear or two, and said, "Damn, I forgot how good I looked in that shirt."

I asked her to slow down and look at what she emphasized in all of her pictures. It wasn't her face, her studies, or things she enjoyed.

They were pictures of her in bikinis, standing and facing the water, sitting down and stretching. Pictures of her drunk at parties in a shirt so low, you could see all of the jewels on her bra.

So many girls don't understand that the things boys see, the things they want, are the things that we show them.

If you want them to fall for your personality, then show them things that represent you. Show them your pets and your favorite food. Talk to them about what interests you and makes you smile.

When girls spend so much time applying makeup and finding the outfit that makes their boobs look the best and their butt look the biggest, that's all guys are going to see as well.

I've seen so many videos of girls at parties wearing nothing, and showing everything. Dancing, letting all of their "girlness" hang out and not caring who sees.

So, you're sick of getting complimented on your ass and tits, then stop making that all they can see. Stop sending Snapchats to guys who AREN'T YOUR BOYFRIEND that include everything but your face. It's time for these girls who complain to realize that they are their own problem.

Stop blaming men for judging you based on your appearance when your appearance the sole focus of everything you show to the public.

Stop getting mad at people for looking past how smart you really are.

Again, if you want a guy to want you for things other than your body, then show him those things. Show him what you look like without makeup and in sweatpants. Start creating an account showcases the person no one can see instead of the person it takes only eyes to see.

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