14 People In Your Life That You Should Avoid Dating At All Costs
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14 People In Your Life That You Should Avoid Dating At All Costs

It's just not a good idea.

14 People In Your Life That You Should Avoid Dating At All Costs

Regardless of what our favorite stories and TV shows suggest, relationships between certain types of people are not always recommended (or even legal). You should meet your heart halfway with some serious thinking before dating any of the people listed below.

1. Your roommate

Nothing spells out a better disaster than having relations with the person you share your home with. You wouldn't move in with your significant other after you've dated them for a week, would you? Getting intimate with your roommate is the same kind of deal.

2. Your boss

If you've seen "The Office", then you probably can recall what a train wreck Michael and Jan's relationship was. You can avoid that situation by not engaging with your superior in a sexual or romantic manner. Not only can this be illegal in workplaces, but it can also turn your coworkers against you. They might suspect, for example, that your boss is handing out bonuses, raises, and other favors to you because you're dating.

3. Your best friend's sibling

Don't listen to Victoria Justice; your best friend's brother is probably NOT the one for you. Dating your best friend's brother or sister can be a really stressful experience for everyone involved. You have to tread lightly or else you could cost yourself an S.O. AND your best friend.

4. Your teacher/professor

No, you can't justify having a relationship with an educator by citing Aria and Ezra from "Pretty Little Liars". Your instructors are figures of authority that you must respect from an appropriate distance. Your classmates won't be too kind to you if they suspect you're receiving special treatment. Also, fooling around with your teacher is against the law- especially if you're a minor having relations with an adult.

5. Your friend's ex

Your friend might say they don't care if you pursue their ex, but what they say most likely isn't what they mean. If your friend still has feelings for them and you are AWARE of this fact, it's really selfish to flaunt your budding romance in their face. It also suggests to your friend that you have no problem betraying their trust.

6. Your coworker

Jim and Pam from "The Office" represent a lot of people's relationship goals, but you should take caution if you decide to be romantic with someone you work with. An office relationship can interfere with your performance, violate workplace rules, and even jeopardize your employment. And if you end up fighting with your S.O. or break up with them, you'll still have to see them during your shifts.

7. Someone much younger than you

Age gaps can cause a lot of problems. Your partner might be too immature, for example, to meet a lot of the expectations you may have had for people closer to you in age. And in a case where you're an adult physically involved with a minor…that's pretty illegal.

8. Someone much older than you

It might be just a tad bit awkward if you're going out with someone the same age as your parents. And it might be hard to relate to your partner if they don't understand the struggles you're going through or vice versa.

9. Your booty call

You might not be the type of person who can separate physical intimacy from romance (in which case, you shouldn't have a booty call at all). You'll wind up getting hurt if you misread your partner's actions to be more meaningful than they had intended them to be.

10. Someone in a relationship

No excuses; if you consciously go out with someone in a committed relationship, you are no better than they are for being the cheater. There is NOTHING romantic about being a mistress, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman.

11. Someone you met on vacation

It might sound romantic to date that guy or girl you met overseas or even just a few states away, but don't let the grandeur of the moment cloud your judgment. This person probably lives rather far from you, so unless you are 100% ready to handle the distance, you should save your heart for someone more accessible.

12. Your therapist/counselor

They know what's going on in your head already, so why shouldn't you date them? Because it's their job to advise you as you encounter problems in your personal life. Plus, being romantic with your therapist could interfere with how they're treating you. It's probably healthier for you to be professional with them.

13. Someone you only know online

You truly don't know somebody until you've met and interacted with them face-to-face- and Skype calls don't count! If your relationship is based only on texts or instant messages, you can't be too sure of who you're really dealing with. Everything they've said about their identity could be a total lie.

14. Your ex

Now this one is extremely debatable and varies depending on the people in the relationship. However, in most cases, going back to your ex is not the best idea. After all, dating them was problematic in the past for a reason serious enough to cause you to break up.

Again, all of these points I've made are entirely up to your interpretation; I can't tell you what to do or, in most of these situations, make you feel guilty for acting a certain way. All I'm saying is, just be careful with who you give your heart to.

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