10 Perks Of Dating A Country Boy
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10 Perks Of Dating A Country Boy

His loyalty is undeniable.

10 Perks Of Dating A Country Boy
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Every couple has its great things that make that specific relationship so wonderful. Whether it be one person's personality, their eyes, their sense of humor, or the way they cook. While some of those are important, those aren't perks that make dating a good ol' boy so good. There are so many great things that come with dating a southern boy that I wish I could fill this whole page up with. However, these are the ten most important things that make dating country boys so fun.

1. He has manners.

He came to you knowing his please and thank you's. He knows how to hold a door open for you and follow you through it. He never expects you to pay, but is appreciative when you do. He addresses your Mom as "ma'am" and your Dad as "sir." You know his Mama taught him right and if he acts up, you know where to go.

2. He is protective.

You never have to worry about anyone messing with you because it's like he has a sixth sense that can tell when you are in trouble. In the blink of an eye, your guy has completely crossed the room and is ready to knock out whoever it is that has an issue with you. Call it a southern conflict resolution or call it intimidation, but somehow he is able to completely resolve the issue without saying a word.

3. He is hardworking.

He knows the importance of money and how hard you have to work to get it. He has no problem with picking up shifts or finding extra jobs to make a little extra cash. He does whatever is necessary to provide for the both of you without a complaint.

4. He knows how to treat a woman.

He knows how to respect you and what is right. He knows the right words to say at the right time. He never lets you go to bed angry and always makes sure you know how truly appreciated you are. You hear the word beautiful more in one day than you've heard in your life. He answers every phone call "hey sweetheart" and ends that same phone call with another term of endearment and you love it.

5. His dance moves.

Honestly, thank God for two-steppin' and thank God for boys that know how to. That's all I've gotta say.

6. Second closet.

His closet mainly consists of four things: anything PFG/PHG and Guy Harvey/Salt Life, Flannels, and hunting gear. Somehow, you've wound up with shirts for all of the seasons, for all times of the day. Before he knew it, you became a walking mannequin of his old, worn out shirts. Little did he know that when he said "what's mine is yours" that he would never see that shirt again unless you wore it.

7. Trucks as loud as his American pride.

I bet you never knew that you could find anything louder than his Red, White, and Blue pride. Well, think again. You knew guys cherished their trucks, but you never knew how much they admired their exhaust. When I mean admire, I mean they would drive across state lines, at 4 in the morning, in the pouring rain just to make their trucks louder.

8. His knowledge of sports.

You may think you know a lot about sports, but technically you know just enough. You know that there was a flag thrown for a false start, but you don't know which team did and what the yard penalty is. Lucky for you, the know-all-about-football guy is sitting next to you, yelling at the T.V because the call didn't go the way he wanted.

9. He sings the guy part without any questions.

He knows as soon as Craving You comes on, he instantly needs to become Thomas Rhett while you transform into Maren Morris. There is never an argument or any discretion because he knows it'll make you happy and secretly, he enjoys it.

10. His loyalty is undeniable.

He's most likely played on sports teams his whole life. He's had the same group of friends since elementary school and he's a family man. Loyalty is nothing new to him, so being honest to you shouldn't be either. You don't need to question him because you know what he says he is doing is exactly what he is doing, even if y'all are miles apart.

As Trace Adkins said in 2006 that "ladies love country boys" and that statement still stands true today.

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